You can manage team members in VRPlatform from the Settings menu (accessible by clicking on the gear icon in the main navigation). When you create a new team, you'll be able to add, review, and assign Admin or User roles to your team members.
To associate listings with an owner in VRPlatform, navigate to the Owners page from the main navigation and select their name from the list. Click "+ Add listing" in the window that appears. Select the property that you would like to assign to the owner. Repeat these steps to add multiple listings.
You can upload and store images, documents or other file types in VRPlatform by navigating to the Files page from the main navigation. Simply click the "+ Upload file" button and select the files you'd like to import. A pop-up window will appear that allows you to rename the file, select the owner you'd like to give access to, and select an optional date in the future when the file can be viewed.
Your monthly VRPlatform subscription fee is automatically calculated based on the number of listings active in your account at the beginning of each month, so you don't need to worry about up- or downgrading your plan.
To capture payment data, connect VRPlatform with a merchant processor like Stripe, Airbnb, or Braintree. Go to the Connections page from the main navigation and click the "+ Add Connection" button. With your accounts connected, you'll see data start populating on the Payments page.
To control owner statement formatting, go to the Statements page from the main navigation. Click the pencil icon to open Statement Settings. From here, you can add/remove, hide, and customize each section on the report to make sure your owners only see what's important to them. To customize the Owner portal with your team logo and primary color, navigate to Settings > Owner Portal.